Through careful media planning and tough negotiations, we were able to save Gates tens of thousands of dollars on their media buy, and expand their reach. Gates contracted with us to buy national trade publications to promote their aftermarket products for cars, light trucks, fleets, recreational vehicles and rental machinery. Negotiations were driven by an approach that uses Value Parity Standards to value publications, and serve as a basis for price negotiations. Obviously, it worked.

Negotiated 45% savings on the total media buy.

For Trade advertising, we purchased ads in 9 national automotive parts publications targeting wholesale/retail automotive parts dealers. Through diligent negotiations we saved Gates $23,240 or 24% year over year on this buy.

For Power Sports advertising, we purchased 9 national powersports publications targeting ATV/Snowmobile owners. Determined negotiations saved Gates $24,515 or 55% year over year on this buy.

Micro V advertising included the purchase of 2 national automotive repair magazines. Negotiated savings totaled $1,623 or 28% year over year.

Master Market advertising required the purchase of 2 national rental equipment magazines saving $1,804 or 20% year over year.

Acceleration sessions involved buying 1 automotive trade show magazine resulting in a savings of $1,662 or 53% year over year.