Outdoor Media
From 2013 through 2021 Medina Communications executed annual national outdoor campaigns for Comfort Dental. Markets included Arizona, Colorado, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, Ohio, Texas, and Washington. The strategy was to secure outdoor inventory on high traffic arteries reaching the greatest number of potential patients. It was also important to ensure outdoor boards were right hand reads, facing in the direction heading towards each Comfort Dental location. Outdoor creative strategy was consistent with the national creative campaign. Outdoor creative was simplified to ensure motorists could easily read the campaign message traveling at over 55 miles per hour. Rates negotiated saved the client over 20% per market. Production costs were also negotiated to include the first vinyl sheet at no charge. By negotiating favorable outdoor campaigns with strategic execution reaching millions of motorists, Medina Communications helped to build the Comfort Dental brand into one of the largest dental franchises in the country.